

Sehgal lab, from left to right: Ravinder Sehgal, Antonio Cecilio, Thais Fernandes, Lilly Raphaelian, Prathmesh Bhagwat, Jonah Svensson, and Pinkal Tandel


Ravinder Sehgal, CV can be found here.

Graduate students:

Thais Fernandes is a visiting graduate student from Brasilia, studying how urbanization affects avian malaria in Brazilian birds
Pinkal Tandelis a graduate student studying the viremia of Matryoshka viruses in California birds
Lilly Raphaelian is a graduate student visualizing the intracellular infections of Matryoshka viruses
Prathmesh Bhagwat is a graduate student studying the molecular biology of avian malaria parasites.
Antonio Cecilio is a graduate student studying the molecular response to infections of Matryoshka viruses

Undergraduate students aid in various laboratory projects:

Jonah Svensson

Previous lab members:

Carlos Esperanza studied viruses that infect avian malaria. He is presently a PhD student at UC Davis.

Caroline Faircloth studied immune responses to avian malaria infections in owls. She is presently a PhD student in Edinburgh, Scotland

Aileen Lopez studied parasites of flocking and non-flocking birds of Peru. She is presently a PhD student in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Rachel Quock studied molecular biology of avian parasites in seabirds, and is now working at the California Academy of Sciences..

Jose Roberto Rodrigues is beginning his PhD work at UC Santa Barbara.

Faith De Amaral is currently working at UCSF.

Aoife Galvin is currently a PhD student at the University of of Utah.

Wilmer Amaya-Mejia is currently a PhD student at UCLA.

Hanna Baek is currently working at the California Academy of Sciences.

Tierra Groff  is presently working in Environmental Consulting.

Joshua Weinberg is presently studying medicine at the University of Florida.

Jasper Toscani Field is presently a PhD student at UC Merced.

Bradley Bowser is presently a PhD student at UC Merced.

Dave Freund finished his Master’s at SFSU, studying blood parasites of corvids.  He is presently working at a biotech company in Emeryville.  

Dena Emmerson finished her Master’s at SFSU, studying the songs of White-crowned sparrows.

Allison Nelson finished her Master’s at SFSU, studying the migration of Hermit thrushes.  She is presently establishing a bird banding station in Northern California.

Elvin Lauron finished his Master’s at SFSU, studying the transcriptome of Plasmodium gallinaceum and also African bird parasites. He recently finished his PhD at Washington University in St. Louis.  

Erika Walther finished her Master’s at SFSU, studying parasite transmission in a California riparian habitat. 

Khouanchy Oakgrove finished her Master’s at SFSU, studying the transcriptome of Plasmodium gallinaceum and parasite co-infections in Alaskan birds.  She is working at the DOE Joint Genome Institute.

Laura Wilkinson finished her Master’s at SFSU, studying avian malaria in Alaskan Black-capped chickadees.

Claire Loiseau, PhD did her postdoctoral research in the lab.  She is presently working in at the University of Porto, Portugal.

Criseyda Martinez finished her Master’s at SFSU, studying the erythrocyte binding proteins of avian malaria. She recently completed her PhD at New York University

Molly Dodge finished her Master’s at SFSU, studying the blood parasites of birds in Papua New Guinea and California.  She is presently working as an environmental consultant.

Holly Archer finished her Master’s at SFSU, studying the blood parasites of birds in Costa Rica.  She is presently at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Jenny Carlson finished her Master’s at SFSU, studying the blood parasites and mosquitoes of Socorro Island, Mexico.  She is presently an entomologist at USAID.

Mark Jasper finished his Master’s at SFSU, studying how blood parasites affect the migration of different populations of Red-tailed Hawks in California.  He is presently working as an environmental consultant. 

Anthony Chasar finished his Master’s at SFSU, working on the effects of deforestation on the blood parasites of African rainforest birds. 

Heather Ishak finished her Master’s at SFSU, working on blood parasites of Spotted Owls and also migratory hawks of California. She is now working at Stanford University