1. Kowo, C., Mayi, M. P. A., Gouveia de Almeida, A. P., Foncha, D., Elad, M., Andongma, E. Djomo, C., Fru-Cho, J., Anong, D. N., R. Sehgal and Cornel, A. J. 2023. Descriptions of a new Aedes species and subspecies of the subgenus Aedimorphus, from southwest Cameroon and updated key for the species of the “Domesticus group”. African Entomology. 31: e15181.[PDF]


  1. De Amaral*, F, Wilson, RE, Sonsthagen, SA, R. Sehgal. 2023. Diversity, distribution, and methodological considerations of haemosporidian infections among Galliformes in Alaska. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 20:122-32.[PDF]


  1. Ferraguti M, Magallanes S, Jiménez‐Peñuela J, Martínez‐de la Puente J, Garcia‐Longoria L, Figuerola J, Muriel J, Albayrak T, Bensch S, Bonneaud C, Clarke RH (43 authors including R. Sehgal) and Marzal, A. 2023. Environmental, geographical and time‐related impacts on avian malaria infections in native and introduced populations of house sparrows (Passer domesticus), a globally invasive species. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 32(5): 809-823. [PDF]


  1. Kirschel, A., Njabo, K., R. Sehgal and Smith, T.B. 2022. A Shelley’s Eagle Owl (Bubo shelleyi) sighting from Cameroon in 2005. The Bulletin of the African Bird Club. 29: 221.[PDF]


  1. Galvin*, A.N., Pandit, P.S., English, S.G., Quock*, R.C., Bandivadekar, R.R., Colwell, R.R., Robinson, B.W., Ernest, H.B., Brown, M.H., R. Sehgal and Tell, L.A. 2022. Evaluation of minimally invasive sampling methods for detecting Avipoxvirus: Hummingbirds as a case example. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences. 9: 924854. [PDF]


  1. Rodrigues*, J.R., Roy, S.W., R. Sehgal, 2022. Novel RNA viruses associated with avian haemosporidian parasites. PLoS One. 17(6):e0269881.[PDF]


  1. Loiseau, C, R. Sehgal 2022. Consequences of deforestation and habitat degradation on wildlife mosquito-borne diseases. In Ecology of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes to wildlife. Editors Guitierrez-Lopez et al. ISBN:978-90-8686-379-2[PDF]


  1. Amaya-Mejia*, W, Dodge* M, Morris B, Dumbacher JP, R. Sehgal. Prevalence and diversity of avian haemosporidian parasites across islands of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. Parasitology Research. 2022 Jun;121(6):1621-30.  [PDF]


  1. David Forfuet F, Mayi MP, Fru-Cho J, Kowo C, Nota Anong D, Esack Fonda A, Djomo C, Tchuinkam T, Brisco KK, R. Sehgal, John Cornel A. 2022. Efficacy of Trapping Methods in the Collection of Eretmapodites (Diptera: Culicidae) Mosquitoes in an Afrotropical Rainforest Region, South Western Cameroon. Journal of Medical Entomology. 2022 May 28.  [PDF]


  1. Groff*, T.C., Lorenz, T.J., Iezhova, T.A., Valkiūnas, G. and R, Sehgal, 2022. Description and molecular characterization of novel Leucocytozoon parasite (Apicomplexa: Haemosporida: Leucocytozoidae), Leucocytozoon polynuclearis n. sp. found in North American woodpeckers. Systematic Parasitology, pp.1-12. [PDF]


  1. Sobeck, J., Nsengimana, O., Ruhagazi, D., Uwanyirigira, P., Mbasinga, G., Tumushime, J.C., Kayitare, A., Bahizi, M., Muvunyi, R. and R. Sehgal, 2022. Haemosporidia of grey crowned cranes in Rwanda. Parasitology Research, 121(1), pp.477-482.  [PDF]


  1. Mackenzie, A.M., Dudenhoeffer, M., Bangoura, B., R. Sehgal, Tell, L.A., Godwin, B.L. and Ernest, H.B., 2022. Prevalence and diversity of haemosporidians in a migratory high-elevation hummingbird in North America. Parasitology Research, pp.1-5.[PDF]


  1. Lilly, M., Amaya-Mejia*, W., Pavan, L., Peng, C., Crews, A., Tran, N., R. Sehgal, and Swei, A., 2022. Local Community Composition Drives Avian Borrelia burgdorferi Infection and Tick Infestation. Veterinary Sciences, 9(2), p.55.  [PDF]


  1. Garcia-Longoria, L., Muriel, J., Magallanes, S., Villa-Galarce, Z.H., Ricopa, L., Inga-Díaz, W.G., Fong, E., Vecco, D., Guerra-SaldaÑa, C., Salas-Rengifo, T. and Flores-Saavedra, W.,… R. Sehgal, and Marzal A., 2021. Diversity and host assemblage of avian haemosporidians in different terrestrial ecoregions of Peru. Current Zoology.  [PDF]


  1. N. Galvin*, A. C. Bradshaw*, B. M. Myers, L. A. Tell, H. B. Ernest, and R. Sehgal. 2021. Low Prevalence of Haemosporidians in Blood and Tissue Samples from Hummingbirds. The Journal of Parasitology107: 794-798.[PDF]


  1. Yoshimoto, K. Ozawa, H. Kondo, Y. Echigoya, H. Shibuya, Y. Sato, and R. Sehgal. 2021. A fatal case of a captive snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus) with Haemoproteus infection in Japan. Parasitology Research120: 277-288.[PDF]


  1. L Aranda et al. (35 authors including R. Sehgal). 2021. Student-Authored Scientist Spotlights: Investigating the Impacts of Engaging Undergraduates as Developers of Inclusive Curriculum through a Service-Learning Course. CBE—Life Sciences Education20, no. 4: ar55.[PDF]


  1. J. Cornel, M. P. Audrey Mayi, C. Kowo, D. Foncha, E. Andongma, D. N. Anong, M. Elad, C. Djomo, T. Tchuinkam, K. K. Brisco, and R. Sehgal. 2020. New species of Culex (Culiciomyia) (Diptera: Culicidae) from Talangaye Forest in Cameroon and descriptions and identification keys for males of the Afrotropical species of the subgenus.  Zootaxa4858, no. 4: zootaxa-4858.[PDF]


  1. A. Tchoumbou, M. P. Mayi, E. N. Malange, F. D. Foncha, C. Kowo, J. Fru-Cho, T. Tchuinkam, J. Awah-Ndukum, R. Dorazio, D. Anong Nota, A. J. Cornel and R. Sehgal. 2020. Effect of deforestation on prevalence of avian haemosporidian parasites and mosquito abundance in a tropical rainforest of Cameroon. International Journal of Parasitology: 50: 63-73.[PDFl]


  1. N. F. Elikwo, D. Anong Nota, T. M. Adele and R. Sehgal 2020. Effects of deforestation on avian parasitic co-infections in recaptured birds from an African Tropical Rainforest. Nanotechnology and Applications: 2: 1-13.[PDF]


  1. E. Baek*, R. R. Bandivadekar, P. Pandit, M Mah, R. Sehgal and L. A. Tell. 2020. TaqMan quantitative real-time PCR for detecting Avipoxvirus DNA in various sample types from hummingbirds. PLoS One: 15(6): e0230701. [PDF]


  1. A. Tchoumbou, E. F. Malange, C. T. Tiku, B. Tibab, J. Fru-Cho, T. Tchuinkam, J. Awah-Ndukum, D. Anong Nota and R. Sehgal. 2020. Response of understory bird feeding groups to deforestation gradient in a tropical rainforest in Cameroon. Tropical Conservation Science. 13: 1940082920906970.[PDF]


  1. P. Mayi, D. F. Foncha, C. Kowo, T. Tchuinkam, K. Brisco, D. Anong Nota, R. Sehgal and A. J. Cornel. 2019. Impact of deforestation on the abundance, diversity, and richness of Culex mosquitoes in a southwest Cameroon tropical rainforest. Journal of Vector Ecology. 44: 271-281.[PDF]


  1. C. Groff*, T. J. Lorenz, R. Crespo, T. Iezhova, G. Valkiūnas and R. Sehgal. 2019. Haemoproteosis lethality in a woodpecker, with molecular and morphological characterization of Haemoproteus velans (Haemosporida, Haemoproteidae). International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. Doi: 10.1016/j.iippaw.2019.07.007[PDF]


  1. R. Sehgal. 2019. Recognition of the 4th International Conference on Malaria and Related Haemosporidian Parasites of Wildlife, held Nov. 1–5, 2018 in Beijing China. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 8:33-35.[PDF]


  1. T. Owens et al. (68 authors including R. Sehgal). 2018. Collectively improving our teaching: Attempting Biology Department-wide professional development in scientific teaching. CBE: Life Sciences Education. 17(1): ar2. [PDF]


  1. Weinberg*, J. T. Field*, M. Ilgūnas, D. Bukauskaitė, T. Iezhova, G. Valkiūnas and R. Sehgal. 2018. De novo transcriptome assembly and preliminary analyses of two avian malaria parasites, Plasmodium delichoni and Plasmodium homocircumflexumGenomics. doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2018.12.004.[PDF]


  1. T. Field*, J. Weinberg*, S. Bensch, N. E. Matta, G. Valkiūnas and R. Sehgal. 2018. Delineation of the genera Haemoproteus and Plasmodium using RNA-Seq and multi-gene phylogenetics. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 86:646-654.[PDF]


  1. K. Townsend, S. S. Wheeler, D. Freund*, R. Sehgal and W. M. Boyce. 2018. Links between blood parasites, blood chemistry, and the survival of nestling American Crows. Ecology and Evolution. 8:8779-8790.[PDF]


  1. K. Townsend, C. C. Taff, S. S. Wheeler, A. M. Weis, M. G. Hinton, M. L. Jones, R. M. Logsdon, W. K. Reisen, D. Freund*, R. Sehgal and M. Saberi. 2018. Low heterozygosity is associated with vector-borne disease in crows. Ecosphere. 9:e02407.[PDF]


  1. S. Carlson*, B. Nelms, C. M. Barker, W. K. Reisen, R. Sehgal and A. J. Cornel. 2018. Avian malaria co-infections confound infectivity and vector competence assays of Plasmodium homopolareParasitology Research. 117: 2385-2394.[PDF]


  1. C. Bradshaw*, L. A. Tell, H. B. Ernest, S. Bahan, J. Carlson* and R. Sehgal. 2017. Detection and prevalence of Haemoproteus archilochus (Haemosporida, Haemoproteidae) in two species of California hummingbirds. Parasitology Research. 116: 1879-1885. [PDF]


  1. Valkiūnas, T. A. Iezhova and R. Sehgal. 2016. Deforestation does not affect the prevalence of a common trypanosome in African birds. Acta Tropica. 162: 222-228. [PDF]


  1. Freund*, S. S. Wheeler, A. K. Townsend, W. M. Boyce, H. B. Ernest, C. Cicero and R. Sehgal. 2016. Genetic sequence data reveals widespread sharing of Leucocytozoon lineages in corvids. Parasitology Research. 1-9.[PDF]


  1. R. Nelson*, R. L. Cormier, D. L. Humple, J. C. Scullen, R. Sehgal, N. E. Seavy. 2016. Migration patterns of San Francisco Bay Area Hermit Thrushes differ across a fine spatial scale. Animal Migration 3:1.[PDF]


  1. C. Wilkinson*, C. M. Handel, C. Van Hemert, C. Loiseau°, and R. Sehgal. 2016. Avian malaria in a boreal resident species: long-term temporal variability, and increased prevalence in birds with avian keratin disorder. International Journal for Parasitology. 46: 281-290. [PDF]


  1. L. Walther*, G. Valkiūnas, E. A. Wommack, R. C. K. Bowie, T. A. Iezhova and R. Sehgal. 2016. Description and molecular characterization of a new Leucocytozoon parasite (Haemosporida: Leucocytozoidae), Leucocytozoon californicus sp. nov., found in American kestrels (Falco sparverius sparverius). Parasitology Research. 115: 1853-1862.[PDF]


  1. R. Sehgal. 2015. Manifold habitat effects on the prevalence and diversity of avian blood parasites. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 4: 421-430.[PDF]


  1. R Sehgal, T. A. Iezhova, T. Marzec, G. Valkiūnas. 2015. Trypanosoma naviformis sp. nov. (Kinetoplastidae: Trypanosomatidae) from widespread African songbirds, the Olive sunbird (Cyanomitra olivacea) and Yellow-whiskered greenbul (Andropadus latirostris). Zootaxa. 4034: 342-350.[PDF]


  1. L. Walther*, J. S. Carlson*, A. Cornel, B. K. Morris·, and R. Sehgal. 2015. First molecular study of prevalence and diversity of avian haemosporidia in a Central California songbird community. Journal of Ornithology. 157: 549-564.[PDF]


  1. J. Lauron*, H. X. Aw Yeang, S. M. Taffner, R. Sehgal. 2015. De novo assembly and transcriptome analysis of Plasmodium gallinaceumidentifies the Rh5 interacting protein (ripr), and reveals a lack of EBL and RH gene family diversification. Malaria Journal. 14: 296.[PDF]


  1. S. Carlson*, E. Walther*, R. Trout Fryxell, S. Staley, L. A. Tell, R. Sehgal, C. M. Barker and A. J. Cornel. 2015. Identifying avian malaria vectors: sampling methods influence outcomes. Parasites and Vectors. 8: 365.[PDF]


  1. E. Martínez-Gómez, N. Matías-Ferrer, R. Sehgal and P. Escalante. 2015. Phylogenetic placement of the critically endangered Townsend’s Shearwater (Puffinus auricularis auricularis): evidence for its conspecific status with Newell’s Shearwater (Puffinus a. newelli) and a mismatch between genetic and phenotypic differentiation. Journal of Ornithology. 156: 1025-1034.[PDF]


  1. J. Lauron*, C. Loiseau°, R. C. Bowie, G. S. Spicer, T. B. Smith, M. Melo and R. Sehgal. 2015. Coevolutionary patterns and diversification of avian malaria parasites in African sunbirds (Family Nectariniidae). Parasitology. 142: 635-647.[PDF]


  1. Hellgren, C. T. Atkinson, S. Bensch, T. Albayrak, D. Dimitrov, J. G. Ewen, K. S. Kim, M. R. Lima, L. Martin, V. Palinauskas, R. Ricklefs, R. Sehgal, G. Valkiūnas, Y. Tsuda and A. Marzal. 2015. Global phylogeography of the avian malaria pathogen Plasmodium relictum based on MSP1 allelic diversity. Ecography. 38: 842-850. [PDF]


  1. L. Evans·, J. E. Martinez-Gomez and R. Sehgal. 2015. Phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic status of the endemic Socorro Warbler (Setophaga pitiayumi graysoni).  Journal of Ornithology. 156: 363-370. [PDF]


  1. J. Lauron*, K. S. Oakgrove*, L. A. Tell, K. Biskar, S. W. Roy and R. Sehgal. 2014. Transcriptome sequencing and analysis of Plasmodium gallinaceum reveals polymorphisms and selection on the apical membrane antigen-1. Malaria Journal. 13: 282.  [PDF]


  1. S. Oakgrove*, R. J. Harrigan, C. Loiseau°, S. Guers, B. Seppi and R. Sehgal. 2014. Distribution, diversity and drivers of blood-borne parasite co-infections in Alaskan bird populations. International Journal for Parasitology. 44: 717-727. [PDF]


  1. L. Walther*, G. Valkiūnas, A. D. González, N. E. Matta, R. E. Ricklefs, A. Cornel and R. Sehgal. 2014. Description, molecular characterization, and patterns of distribution of a widespread New World avian malaria parasite (Haemosporida: Plasmodiidae), Plasmodium (Novyella) homopolare sp. nov. Parasitology Research. 113: 3319-3332. [PDF]


  1. Marzal, L. García-Longoria, J. M. C. Callirgos and R. Sehgal. 2014. Invasive avian malaria as an emerging parasitic disease in native birds of Peru. Biological Invasions. 17: 39-45.[PDF]


  1. A. Jasper*, J. M. Hull, A. C. Hull, and R. Sehgal. 2014. Widespread lineage diversity of Leucocytozoon blood parasites in distinct populations of western Red-tailed Hawks. Journal of Ornithology. 155: 767–775.[PDF]


  1. D. Mendenhall, H. M. Archer*, F. O. Brenes, C. H. Sekercioglu and R. Sehgal.  2013.  Balancing biodiversity with agriculture: Land sharing mitigates avian malaria prevalence.  Conservation Letters. 6: 125-131. [PDF]


  1. Križanauskienė, T. A. Iezhova, R. Sehgal, J. S Carlson*, V. Palinauskas, S. Bensch, and G. Valkiūnas. 2013.  Molecular characterization of Haemoproteus sacharovi (Haemosporida, Haemoproteidae), a common parasite of columbiform birds, with remarks on classification of haemoproteids of doves and pigeons.  Zootaxa.  3613: 85-94.  [PDF]


  1. Valkiūnas, T. A. Iezhova, E. Evans·, J. S. Carlson*, J. E. Martinez-Gomez, R. Sehgal. 2013.  Two new Haemoproteus (Haemosporida: Haemoproteidae) species from Columbiform birds.  Journal of Parasitology. 99(3): 513-521.  [PDF]


  1. Martinez*, T. Marzec·, C. D. Smith, L. A. Tell, and R. Sehgal. 2013. Identification and expression of maebl, and erythrocyte binding gene in Plasmodium gallinaceum.  Parasitology Research. 112: 945-954.   [PDF]


  1. S. Carlson*, J. E. Martinez-Gomez, G. Valkiūnas, C. Loiseau°, D. A. Bell and R. Sehgal.  2013.  Diversity and phylogenetic relationships of hemosporidian parasites in birds of Socorro Island, Mexico, and their role in the re-introduction of the Socorro Dove (Zenaida graysoni).  Journal of Parasitology99(2): 270-276. [PDF]


  1. Dodge*, S. L. Guers, C. H. Sekercioglu and R. Sehgal.  2013.  North American transmission of hemosporidian parasites in the Swainson’s thrush (Catharus ustulatus), a migratory songbird. Journal of Parasitology. 99(3): 548-553.[PDF]


  1. Loiseau°, R. J. Harrigan, A. J. Cornel, S. L. Guers, M. Dodge*, T. Marzec·, J. S. Carlson*, B. Seppi and R. Sehgal.  2012.  First evidence and predictions of Plasmodium transmission in Alaskan bird populations. PloS One. 7:e44729. [PDF]


  1. Loiseau°, R. J. Harrigan, A. Robert, R. C. K. Bowie, A. Thomassen, T. B. Smith and R. Sehgal. 2012.  Host and habitat specialization of avian malaria in Africa.  Molecular Ecology. 21: 431-441[PDF]


  1. Valkiūnas, T.A. Iezhova, J. S. Carlson* and R. Sehgal. 2011. Two new Trypanosoma species from African birds, with notes on taxonomy of avian trypanosomes.  Journal of Parasitology.  97: 924-930.[PDF]


  1. Yanga, J. Martinez-Gomez, R. Sehgal, P. Escalante-Pliego, F. C. Camacho, D. A. Bell. 2011. A preliminary survey for avian pathogens of Columbiformes on Socorro Island, Mexico.  Pacific Conservation Biology. 17: 11-21[PDF]


  1. Marzal, R. E. Ricklefs, G. Valkiūnas, T. Albayrak, E. Arriero, C. Bonneaud, G. A. Pzirják, J. Ewen, O. Hellgren, D. Hořáková, T. A. Iezhova, H. Jensen, A. Križanauskienė, M. R. Lima, F. de Lope, E. Magnussen, L. B. Martin, A. P. Møller, V. Palinauskas, P. L. Pap, J. Pérez-Tris, R. Sehgal, M. Soler, E. Szöllősi, H. Westerdahl, P. Zetindjiev, S. Bensch. 2011. Diversity, loss and gain of malaria parasites in a globally invasive bird.  Plos One. 6 (7): e21905.[PDF]


  1. B Smith, H. A. Thomassen, A. H. Freedman, R. Sehgal, W. Buermann, S. Saatchi, J. Pollinger, B. Milá, D. Pires, G. Valkiūnas and R. K. Wayne. 2011. Patterns of divergence in the olive sunbird (Cyanomitra olivacea) across the African rainforest-savanna ecotone.  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 103: 825-835.[PDF]


  1. S. Carlson*, J. E. Martinez-Gomez, A. Cornel, C. Loiseau° and R. Sehgal. 2011. Implications of Plasmodium parasite infected mosquitoes on an insular avifauna: the case of Socorro Island, Mexico.  Journal of Vector Ecology.  36: 213-220.  [PDF]


  1. A. Iezhova, M. Dodge*, R. Sehgal, T. B. Smith and G. Valkiūnas. 2011.  New avian Haemoproteus species (Haemosporida: Haemoproteidae) from African birds, with a critique of the use of host taxonomic information in hemoproteid classification.  Journal of Parasitology.  97: 682-694.[PDF]


  1. Y. Njabo, A. J. Cornel, C. Bonneaud, E. Toffelmier, R. Sehgal, G. Valkiūnas, A. F. Russell and T. B. Smith.  2011.  Nonspecific patterns of vector, host and avian malaria parasite associations in a central African rainforest.  Molecular Ecology. 20: 1049-1061. [PDF]


  1. R, Sehgal, W. Buermann, R. Harrigan, C. Bonneaud, C. Loiseau°, A. Chasar*, G. Valkiūnas, T Iezhova, I Sepil, S. Saatchi, and T. B. Smith. 2011.  Spatially explicit predictions of blood parasites in a widely distributed African rainforest bird.  Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B. 278: 1025-1033.[PDF]


  1. D. Ishak*, C. Loiseau°, A. C. Hull, and R. Sehgal. 2010.  Prevalence of blood parasites in migrating California hawks.  Journal of Raptor Research.  44: 215-223.[PDF]


  1. R. Sehgal. 2010. Deforestation and avian infectious diseasesJournal of Experimental Biology.  213: 955-960.[PDF]


  1. Loiseau°, T. Iezhova, G. Valkiūnas, A. Chasar*, A. Hutchinson·, W. Buermann, T. B. Smith and R. Sehgal. 2010Spatial variation of haemosporidian parasite infection in African rainforest bird species.  Journal of Parasitology. 96: 21-29.[PDF]


  1. Valkiūnas, R. Sehgal, T. A. Iezhova, and A. C. Hull. 2010.  Identification of Leucocytozoon toddi group (Haemosporida, Leucocytozoidae), with remarks on the species taxonomy of leucocytozoids. Journal of Parasitology. 96:170-177.[PDF]


  1. A. Iezhova, G. Valkiūnas, C. Loiseau°, T. B. Smith, R. Sehgal. 2010.  Haemoproteus cyanomitrae sp. nov. (Haemosporida, Haemoproteidae) from a widespread African songird, the Olive Sunbird (Cyanomitra olivacea).  Journal of Parasitology. 96: 137-143.[PDF]


  1. Chasar*, C. Loiseau°, G.Valkiūnas, T. Iezhova, T. B. Smith, R. Sehgal. 2009Prevalence and diversity patterns of avian blood parasites in degraded African rainforest habitats. Molecular Ecology. 18: 4121-4133.[PDF]


  1. Y. Njabo, A. J. Cornel, R. Sehgal, C. Loiseau°, W. Buermann, R. Harrigan, J. Pollinger, G. Valkiūnas and T.B. Smith. 2009Coquillettidia (Culicidae, Diptera) mosquitoes are natural vectors of avian malaria in Africa. Malaria Journal. 8: 193.[PDF]


  1. Valkiūnas, T. A. Iezhova, C. Loiseau° and R. Sehgal. 2009Nested Cytochrome b polymerase chain reaction diagnostics detect sporozoites of Hemosporidian parasites in peripheral blood of naturally infected birds.  Journal of Parasitology. 95: 1512-1515.[PDF]


  1. Bonneaud, C., I. Sepil, B. Milá, W. Buermann, J. Pollinger, R. Sehgal, G. Valkiūnas, T. Iezhova, S. Saatchi and T. B. Smith. 2009.  The prevalence of avian Plasmodium is higher in undisturbed tropical forests of Cameroon.  Journal of Tropical Ecology. 25: 439-447. [PDF]


  1. Valkiūnas, T. A. Iezhova, C. Loiseau°, T. B. Smith and R. Sehgal. 2009.  New malaria parasites of the subgenus Novyella in African rainforest birds, with remarks on their high prevalence classification and diagnostics.  Parasitology Research. 104:1061-1077.[PDF]


  1. Valkiūnas, T. A. Iezhova, C. Loiseau°, A. Chasar*, T. B. Smith and R. Sehgal. 2008.  New species of haemosporidian parasites (Haemosporida) from African rainforest birds, with remarks on their classification.  Parasitology Research. 103(5): 1213-28.[PDF]


  1. Valkiūnas , T. A. Iezhova, A. Krizanauskiene, V. Palinauskas, R. Sehgal, S. Bensch. 2008. A comparative analysis of microscopy and PCR-based detection methods for blood parasites. Journal of Parasitology. 94: 1395-1401.    [PDF]


  1. D. Ishak*, J. P. Dumbacher, N. L. Anderson, J. J. Keane, G. Valkiūnas, S. M. Haig, L. A. Tell and R. Sehgal. 2008. Blood parasites in owls with conservation implications for the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis). PLoS One. 3(5): e2304. [PDF]


  1. Valkiūnas, C. T. Atkinson, S. Bensch, R. Sehgal and R. E. Ricklefs. 2008. Parasite misidentifications in GenBank: how to minimize their number? Trends in Parasitology. 24(6): 247-248. [PDF]


  1. M. E. Svensson·, K. C. Ruegg, C. H. Sekercioglu, and R. Sehgal. 2007. Widespread and structured distributions of blood parasite haplotypes across a migratory divide of the Swainson’s thrush (Catharus ustulatus). Journal of Parasitology. 93(6): 1488-1495.[PDF]


  1. R. Sehgal, G. Valkiūnas, T. A. Iezhova and T. B. Smith. 2006.  Blood parasites of chickens in Uganda and Cameroon with molecular descriptions of Leucocytozoon schoutedeni and Trypanosoma gallinarum.  Journal of Parasitology.  92(6): 1336-1343.[PDF]


  1. Masello, R. Gustavo Choconi, R. Sehgal, L. A. Tell and P Quillfeldt. 2006.  Blood and intestinal parasites in wild Psittaciformes: A case study of Burrowing parrots (Cyanoliseus patagonus).  Ornotología Neotropical. 17: 515-529.[PDF]


  1. R. Sehgal, A. C. Hull, N. Anderson, G. Valkiūnas, M. J. Markovets, S. Kawamura· and L. A. Tell. 2006.  Evidence for cryptic speciation of Leucocytozoon spp. (Haemosporida, Leucocytozoidae) in diurnal raptors. Journal of Parasitology.  92(2): 375-379.  [PDF]


  1. R. Sehgal, H. I. Jones, and T. B. Smith. 2005.  Molecular evidence for host-specificity of parasitic nematode microfilariae in some African rainforest birds.  Molecular Ecology.  14: 3977-3988.[PDF]


  1. Valkiūnas, R. Sehgal, T. A. Iezhova, and T. B. Smith. 2005.  Further observations on the blood parasites of birds in Uganda.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases.  41(3): 580-587.[PDF]


  1. R. Sehgal, H. I. Jones, and T. B. Smith. 2005.  Blood parasites of some West African birds.  Journal of Veterinary Medical Sciences.  67(3): 295-301.[PDF]


  1. I. Jones, R. Sehgal and T. B. Smith. 2005.  Leucocytozoon (Apicomplexa: Leucocytozoidae) from West African birds, with descriptions of two species.  Journal of Parasitology.  91(2): 397-401. [PDF]


  1. R. Sehgal and I. J. Lovette. 2003.  Molecular evolution of three avian neurotrophin genes: implications for proregion functional constraints.  Journal of Molecular Evolution.  57: 335-342.[PDF]


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